Does the front cover engage the reader's interest? Why and how?
- Great academic image portraying the happiness of being in education
- The colourscheme is simply yet bold
- The model is in the middle and looks happy
- The shapes used make it interesting
What do the sell lines reveal about the reader?
- They are a student in 6th form interested in fashion & socialising
- Pyschology students -interested in humanities
- Image-aware girls
- Mature and want to succeed in 6th form
The next questions were 'who do you think the magazine is targeting and how can you tell?' and 'what does the representation in the image and/or in the language tell us about the potential reader?' but these got very similar results to the last question.
Offer one comment about the use of image:
- Very good
- Good image & colourscheme
- Girl is in uniform yet is a 6th form magazine?
Offer one comment about the use of language:
- Use of language is appropriate for target audience
- Good variety of colour and font sizes
- Try language techniques- i.e. rule of 3, rhyming etc to engage the reader
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