Do the pages engage the reader’s interest immediately- if
‘yes’, why do you think this is. If ‘no’ wire some suggestions to improve this
- Yes- smiling model and bright colours
- Bright yellow stands out
- Similar photo to front cover
- Good, large images
- Yes, bright colours
What does the heading reveal about the potential reader?
- They want to know more about rockstars and details about their life
- Someone who likes to hear about success
- They like the following celebs news
Who do you think this magazine is targeting and how can
you tell?
- Teenagers- girls and boys, gossip about girlfriends but male artist may appeal to guys
- Female- love object, gossip about the new girlfriend. Male- hard hitting introduction
- Girls- about his girlfriend
Offer one comment about the use of images. It can either
be positive or constructive.
- Good image- eye contact
- Good image, clear, but heading covering too much of his head
- Like the fact there are 2 images from separate photoshoots
Offer one comment about the use of language. It can
either be positive or constructive.
- Chatty and casual, really appeals to target audience
- Good story
- Simple and clear, easy to read
Rate out of 10:
- 10- looks very professional
- 10
- 9
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